Explore 100 Professions and Trades in One Word

KP Lab

Build Your IELTS Vocabulary: 100 Professions and Trades Definitions in One Word by KP IELTS Lab


As you embark on your journey to succeed in the IELTS exam, developing a strong vocabulary is paramount. Professions and trades are essential components of any language, and they frequently appear in language proficiency tests like IELTS. To help you expand your vocabulary, we present a comprehensive list of 100 professions and trades, each described in a single word. Mastering these words will not only boost your language skills but also enhance your performance in the IELTS exam, enabling you to express yourself more effectively.

Exploring 100 Professions and Trades

In this vocabulary guide, we present a diverse range of professions and trades, each represented by a single word. From actors to zoologists, each profession encapsulates the essence of their respective fields. Whether you are interested in astronomy, medicine, arts, or technology, you will find a wide array of professions and trades to explore.

By learning these concise definitions, you can quickly grasp the core aspects of each profession, making it easier to understand related terms and concepts. Additionally, this vocabulary will empower you to articulate your thoughts more precisely, enhancing your communication skills in both spoken and written English.

100 Professions and Trades Definitions

100 Professions and Trades Definitions in One Word

To assist you in your IELTS journey, here's a curated list of 100 professions and trades definitions in one word:

Sl. No. Definitions of Professions and Trades In One Word Bangla Meaning
1 One who performs in plays, movies, or TV shows— Actor অভিনেতা
2 One who takes up a legal profession— Advocate উকিল
3 One who plans or draws the designs of buildings— Architect স্থপতি
4 One who studies heavenly bodies— Astronomer জ্যোতিবির্দ
5 One who foretells things by stars— Astrologer জ্যোতিষী
6 One who studies and interprets ancient artefacts and ruins— Archaeologist প্রত্নতত্ত্ববিদ
7 One who writes books— Author লেখক
8 One who takes care of the financial records of a business— Accountant হিসাবরক্ষক
9 One who studies the evolution of mankind— Anthropologist নৃতত্ত্ববিদ
10 One who sells things in public— Auctioneer নিলাম বিক্রেতা
11 One who cuts, trims, and styles hair, typically for male clients— Barber নাপিত
12 One who serves and prepares alcoholic beverages in bars and restaurants— Bartender মদের দোকানের পরিবেষক
13 One who sells meat— Butcher মাংস বিক্রেতা/কসাই
14 One who lives on alms— Beggar ভিক্ষুক
15 One who specializes in the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, and classification— Botanist উদ্ভিদবিদ
16 One who makes furniture— Carpenter ছুতোর মিস্ত্রী/কাঠমিস্ত্রি
17 One who draws maps— Cartographer মানচিত্রকার
18 One who prepares and serves food in a restaurant— Chef রাঁধুনি
19 One who designs and constructs roads, bridges, and infrastructure— Civil Engineer নির্মাণ প্রকৌশলী
20 One who sets types in a printing press— Compositor কম্পোজিটর/লিপিকার
21 One who mends shoes— Cobbler মুচি
22 A person in charge of the museum— Curator যাদু ঘরের কর্মাধ্যক্ষ
23 One who sells sweets and pastries— Confectioner মিষ্টান্ন বিক্রেতা
24 One who treats the teeth— Dentist দন্ত চিকিৎসক
25 One who represents a country as an ambassador— Diplomat কূটনীতিক দূত
26 One who conducts medical examinations and diagnoses illnesses— Doctor ডাক্তার
27 One who deals in cattle— Drover পশু ব্যবসায়ী
28 One who investigates and solves crimes— Detective গোয়েন্দা
29 One who studies and analyzes economic systems, policies, and trends— Economist অর্থনীতিবিদ
30 One who repairs and maintains electrical systems— Electrician বৈদ্যুতিক মিস্ত্রী
31 One who designs and constructs machines— Engineer প্রকৌশলী
32 One who designs, develops, and works with electrical systems and devices— Electrical Engineer তড়িৎ প্রকৌশলী
33 One who designs and constructs electronic circuits and devices— Electronics Engineer ইলেক্ট্রনিক্স/বৈদ্যুতিন প্রকৌশলী
34 One who fights fires and responds to emergencies— Firefighter অগ্নিনির্বাপক
35 One who deals in fish— Fishmonger মৎস্য ব্যবসায়ী
36 One who sells flowers— Florist ফুল বিক্রেতা
37 One who helps individuals and organizations with their financial investments— Financial Advisor আর্থিক উপদেষ্টা
38 One who manages and operates a farm— Farmer কৃষক
39 One who designs and creates clothing— Fashion Designer ফ্যাশন ডিজাইনার
40 One who studies rocks and soils— Geologist ভূতত্ত্ববিদ
41 One who creates and designs visual graphics for various purposes— Graphic Designer গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইনার
42 One who travels to sell goods— Hawker ফেরিওয়ালা
43 One who studies and analyzes historical events and their significance— Historian ইতিহাসবিদ
44 One who designs and decorates the interior spaces of buildings— Interior Designer অভ্যন্তর নকশাকর্তা
45 One who rides the horses in races— Jockey জকি/ঘোড়সওয়ার
46 One who writes for the newspapers— Journalist সাংবাদিক
47 One who takes care of the building— Janitor দারোয়ান
48 One who designs and constructs jewellery— Jeweler রত্নব্যবসায়ী
49 One who practices law and represents clients in court— Lawyer আইনজীবী
50 A person in charge of a library— Librarian গ্রন্থাগারিক
51 One who studies the origin and development of languages— Linguist ভাষাতত্ত্ববিদ
52 One who performs and entertains with magic tricks— Magician যাদুকর
53 One who manages and oversees a business or organization— Manager ম্যানেজার/পরিচালক
54 One who repairs and maintains machinery, vehicles, or equipment— Mechanic মিস্ত্রি/কারিগর
55 One who studies and predicts weather patterns and atmospheric conditions— Meteorologist আবহাওয়াবিদ
56 One who works with metals to create objects and structures— Metalworker ধাতু শিল্পী
57 One who imitates the voice, gestures etc. or another— Mimic ভাঁড়/নকল করা
58 One who is skilled in playing musical instruments or composing and performing music— Musician সঙ্গীতবিদ
59 One who manages and promotes musical artists and bands— Music Manager সঙ্গীত পরিচালক
60 The head of a town council or corporation— Mayor মেয়র
61 One who designs and constructs ships and boats— Naval Architect নৌ-স্থপতি
62 One who studies and treats disorders related to the nervous system— Neurologist স্নায়ু বিশেষজ্ঞ
63 One who operates heavy machinery and construction equipment— Operator যন্ত্রচালক
64 One who attends the diseases of the eye— Oculist চক্ষু চিকিৎসক
65 One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles— Optician চক্ষু পরীক্ষক/চশমা বিক্রেতা
66 One who paints buildings and other structures— Painter রঙ মিস্ত্রী/চিত্রকর
67 One who reads the palm— Palmist হস্তরেখা বিশারদ
68 One who collects postage stamps— Philatelist ডাকটিকেট সংগ্রহকারী
69 One who captures photographs professionally— Photographer আলোকচিত্ৰকর
70 One who mends water pipes— Plumber প্লাম্বার/পাইপ মিস্ত্রি
71 One who is a member of the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining public order and safety— Police Officer পুলিশ কর্মকর্তা
72 One who carries a burden for hire— Porter কুলি
73 One who makes earthen pots— Potter কুমার
74 One who manages and oversees the production of movies, TV shows, or stage productions— Producer প্রযোজক
75 One who designs and creates computer programs— Programmer প্রোগ্রামার
76 One who studies and treats mental health disorders— Psychologist মনোবিজ্ঞানী
77 One who studies and treats mental and emotional disorders— Psychiatrist মনোরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ
78 One who practices and performs medical care and surgery for children— Paediatrician শিশুরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ
79 One who sells drugs— Pharmacist ঔষধ বিক্রেতা
80 One who flies an aeroplane— Pilot বিমান চালক
81 One who captures and reports news from the field— Reporter রিপোর্টার/প্রতিবেদক
82 One who carves on stone— Sculptor ভাস্কর
83 One who captures and records audio for music or films— Sound Engineer শব্দ প্রকৌশলী
84 One who writes shorthand— Stenographer স্টেনোগ্রাফার/শ্রুতিলিখন
85 One who treats diseases by operation— Surgeon শল্য চিকিৎসক
86 One who designs sews and alters clothing to fit individual customers— Tailor দরজি
87 One who converts raw hide into the leather— Tanner চর্ম সংস্কারক
88 One who operates and drives a taxi— Taxi Driver ট্যাক্সি চালক
89 One who imparts knowledge and educates students in various subjects— Teacher শিক্ষক
90 One who is skilled in a specific technical field or profession— Technician কারিগর/কর্মচারী
91 One who converts written or spoken language from one language to another— Translator অনুবাদক
92 One who lends money at very high interest— Usurer সুদখোর
93 One who practices and provides medical care for animals— Veterinarian পশু চিকিৎসক
94 One who deals in wine— Vintner মদ্য ব্যবসায়ী
95 One who serves and takes orders in a restaurant— Waiter/Waitress খাদ্য পরিবেশক
96 One who sells and repairs watches and clocks— Watchmaker ঘড়ি মেরামতকারী
97 One who creates and designs websites— Web Designer ওয়েব ডিজাইনার
98 One who works with wood to create artistic objects— Woodworker কাঠমিস্ত্রী
99 One who makes wheels for carriages and carts— Wheelwright চক্রনির্মাতা
100 One who studies and specializes in the scientific study of animals and their behaviour— Zoologist জীববিজ্ঞানী


Expanding your vocabulary with this curated list of 100 professions and trades is an essential step in preparing for the IELTS exam and improving your overall English language proficiency. These one-word definitions encapsulate the essence of each profession, making them powerful tools for expressing ideas and understanding.

Remember, building a solid vocabulary is crucial for success in the IELTS exam, and this diverse collection of professions and trades will aid you in enhancing your language proficiency. Take the time to learn and practice these words, and you will see a significant improvement in your ability to express yourself fluently and confidently. Happy studying!

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